Thursday, December 15, 2011

Books AND Movies

I don't know what is it about books that gives me such an adrenaline rush. Yes, I do know what that means, and I do know that people generally don't get it from books or something as passive as reading books. You can say, my life is just this much exciting and book-reading itself is such a big deal that gives me a thrill.
But, no, it's not like that. I've done adventure sports (well, I went to Adventure Island and sat on that silly merry-go-round kinda ride in India. You don't know when the strap holding in your seat  may turn out to be defective and you are flying in the air, ready to take the death-plunge. I think that's quite an adventure to last a life-time!) Never mind sports, I've many other exciting things in my life. (I can't remember any but I do have!) 
Anyways, coming back to books. Books always have given me a hit, a kick no matter what's going in my life otherwise. This is one place where I forget what my real life is like and just totally immerse myself into the character. It's soo sincere a dip that I start feeling, thinking, behaving like the book's character. A friend once told me "you should always tell me what you're reading so that I can be prepared in advance on what to expect of you". :D I think he understood me best there! I was reading Fountainhead at that time and the girl in it was Veronica, who expressed love by hurting her lover, Howard. :D
The passion of reading a book is so that it drives me totally oblivious to my worldly requirements, urgencies, my commitments to the worldly things. I don't care if I've a deadline waiting for me at work. I don't care if my boss comes over my head and sees me reading a novel in office. I don't care if I've to hide a torch in my blanket and read the book, or read it in the outside lamp's light. If I'm on a book, I've to finish it. As soon as I can. Day or Night. Early or late. Today or Tomorrow. Everything seems to stop existing. If you can avoid being judgmental, then even my being a mother ceases to exist. 
I've never known passion or drive in any other way. In anything else. NO!!! Wait!!!
Yes, I've known it with movies . When am watching a movie, I totally forget my surrounding. I don't care if no one else is laughing. I can laugh out loud on something I find hilarious. I don't care if heads are turning around me. I forget that Tarun is asking me something about the movie character. I don't even hear him asking me anything. It's only when a break comes, that I realize he did say something. He's got used to it now. Now, he doesn't even bother asking when the movie is on. Ha!!! 

I can't help it if it isn't something constructive that is my passion. I can't help it if the activities I enjoy most are not some successful businesses. This is all I know about passion. This is my most most  basic instinct. The carnal instinct. I can't change it. I can't enhance it. 

I love books and I love movies. And, love is too small a word to describe the emotion :) God, please create a world with me and books and movies (and food) and I'll be the happiest person. Love you, God! Take care!


  1. This is what is called PASSION
    I share a lot of these, or rather used to share.. you made me remember many of those bookish maiden days, forgetting the clock.. bed, me and books, but then I munched too a lot amidst this, which still remains on me..
    nice read :)

  2. Hahaha! So true! Ditto for me. I can't stop munching either while reading! :) :D

  3. I don't see any wrong in Books giving an Adrenaline rush... Have experienced quite a many when I am engrossed in reading something :)

    Well do keep sharing what all you are reading, as you know I am always on a look out for books to read :)

    Nice post BTW :)

  4. Thanks Sandeep. :) As for books, they are totally chick-flicks...not at all your kind. And, when we're talking of books, it reminds me , it has been long since you wrote about the books you've been reading. I can definitely pick one from those. :)
