Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thought of the day

"Stop littering, start enjoying rains."
The thought came in my mind when I saw people getting upset on rainy days in Delhi. Traffic jams, blocked roads, water clogged everywhere. We always blame the govt that they don't build proper roads, proper openings for water...the sewage system is so bad. But, actually, I think, we look at only one side of the problem. The other problem is that most of the times the holes are clogged with the garbage people throw carelessly on roads. That garbage gets moved to the outlet, with rain water, hence causing all the trouble.
I think I found another reason why we should not litter and keep the city clean. I hope, someday, Delhiites are also able to enjoy the rains. :)


  1. Agreed but still the broken roads which causes water logging are solely because of Government's ill maintainence . If the road developers are sincere with their work then 50% jams won't happen and for the rest 50% as you said stop littering..

  2. You know, every bit makes a difference. I know every bit is important to make the complete picture, but absence of one is not a valid reason for the absence of another.

    So, let's do our bit and then have patience. :)
